Saturday, June 12, 2010

Four More Days.....Goodbye!

There are only four school days left! I don't know if they'll come fast enough. You know the feeling of having something right at your finger tips but you just can't seem to reach it? That's how I have felt the last two weeks. If I just stretch a little bit more, the last day of school will be mine. I'm stretching. I really am!

As much as I want the last day to get here, I am also a little bit sad to say goodbye to this group of kids. They were my first teaching experience ever. They were absolutely adorable - for the most part. They could also be little terrors when they wanted to be, which was at least twice a week! Yes. It will be sad to say goodbye, but it's time. I keep reminding them that I'll see them next year...which is only 2-months away! The girls are very dramatic about not having me as their teacher next year. I've been averaging about 7 "love" notes a day from them, hearts & all!

I was able to find a DVD showing the launch of the 1st US space shuttle back in 1981. We watched it as a class last week. I had to play it on my laptop. There is one TV & DVD player at the school, but it's reserved by different teachers through the last day of school. So, we all huddled around and watched. Even though they bickered through most of the launch, they were in awe when they saw the shuttle lift off. They loved seeing it go up attached to those big fuel rockets. Of course, they all want to be astronauts now. They asked some really good questions and surprisingly, I was able to answer them. I ran my answers by Scott & unfortunately I did not answer one correctly. I told them that the monkeys that were sent up earlier in the space program were blown up at the end of their mission. Oops! Scott told me, "No they weren't!" Oh well!

Scott & I try to venture out to new places and new parts of the island when we can. I always enjoy reading the different names of stores & restaurants. There are some really funny ones. The advertisements we receive at our front door are pretty funny as well. Anyhow, we were driving around the other day and I came across my all time favorite sign. It's a sign for a beauty salon. It's of a woman who I assume is showing how beautiful she is because of the services she received at this salon. The problem is, she's all covered up! All you see are her eyes, but barely. I would like to know who came up with this advertisement idea? It just cracks me up.

Benny's doing well. He received a ton of attention (which he lives for) last week. The USS Eisenhower came into port for a few days. Whenever a ship comes into port, the sailors get time off the ship. The Base provides entertainment and food for them as well. So, when I took Benny on his afternoon walks, there were a lot more people than usual. So many people came up to pet Benny & share their stories of their dogs back home & how much they missed them. Benny loves the attention and I swear, it looks like he's smiling when they are petting him and talking to him.
It's still really hot and getting hotter. The humidity is also high. When I walk outside into the heat after being in an air-conditioned place, my sunglasses fog up & I can't see. I have to take them off and wait until I get into my air-conditioned car to put them back on.

I guess I should also mention Scott. He's doing well also. He's recovering from a cold. He claims he's not a Lakers hater, but I see him silently rooting for Boston. How dare he? I still love him anyhow. Not everyone is a Lakers fan, including most referees......but that's just my opinion.

Talk to you next week, unless my computer or my fingertips melt from this heat!

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